git clone && cd gos3rve && go build
./gos3rve -p 8080 -user_id -key_id s3KeyID -key_val s3SecretKey
Get full list of flags/usage by running -h flag:
Usage of ./gos3rve:
-config string
configuration file (default "./config.xml")
-dir_buckets string
dir to store buckets (default "./buckets/")
-dir_uploads string
temp dir to store upload parts (default "./uploads/")
Show usage
-key_id string
Access Key ID (default "muB07ZERr4")
-key_val string
Secret Access Key (default "U8J89Z6XZCwXBWv1lP8tbzK35AaiR7Fz")
-p int
Port to listen on (default 8080)
-region string
S3 region (default "us-east-1")
-user_id string
AWS S3 user ID (default "c5dbe9e2-4d44-404a-96f9-bd1dc1163a4a")
-user_name string
AWS S3 user name (default "")
Configuration values can be passed in configuration file (using –config flag) Here is the sample config file:
tested with s3cmd
AWS API | supported | s3cmd |
ListObjectsV2 | yes | ls |
CreateBucket | yes | mb |
DeleteBucket | yes | rb |
PutObject | yes | put |
GetObject | yes | get |
DeleteObject | yes | del |
Install golang on your platform and execute :
git clone && cd gos3rve && go build
For creating static executable (which runs on all Linux platforms w. same arch) run:
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -a -tags netgo -ldflags '-w'
sudo cp gos3rve.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl start gos3rve
sudo systemctl enable gos3rve
This is a toy project - quick and dirty code created for testing and educational purposes only. Use at your own risk. Look at ceph or seaweedfs if you need production grade scalable solution